Kuma is one of the favorite, and most easily seen, double stars of the northern sky. Even steadily held binoculars will split it into two nearly identical white stars.
Okay, so I should be reading these before I make the blocks because getting the two halves of this star to come together this morning nearly make me "unsteady".

I pieced the star portion before I went to Cleveland this week and today, added the background and joined the 8 sections into quarters and then halves and then the whole block. I'm pretty pleased with the results, tho and I learned a very important lesson about joining the sections that I don't remember from Judy Mathieson's book.
After the sections are pieced, but before they are joined, turn the block right side up and measure the quarter inch seam allowances from the seam joins (I think of these as the match points to get the points perfect). I was measuring the quarter inch seam allowances from the paper edges, paper side up and trimming with my add a quarter ruler. But, that wasn't exactly in line with the actual match points on the front. One might be just a hair different and it was causing my points to be off. When I trimmed by using the fabric match points on the front instead of measuring based on the paper edges on the back, It made my seam allowances much more reliable and the two halves went together in one try instead of the 8 tries it took me to get two of the quarter sections together. (seriously, 8. what was up with that? clearly, my head is still wacky after all the flying and sitting yesterday) If that sounds confusing, I'll be adding it to the paper piecing tutorial that I'm planning for soon (hey, at 50, soon becomes a relative term. we've earned it)
Anyway, I did get in last night and just an hour and a quarter late. But where was I first thing this morning? Was I unpacking my duffle and putting clothes in the hamper? No, I was in my sewing room, working on this block. And, that is how it is supposed to be.
Have a great Friday. I hope to get time to catch up with all the posts I've missed this week soon. I'm sure I've missed important progress.